Monday, April 20, 2009


So, I'm just feeling a little unsettled today. I don't know if it's just the dreams I had that tweaked my mainstream mood, or what. I don't even remember quite what I dreamed. I remember a little bit of anger, but that's all. Now I I would really love to go to the gym and just work it all out, but now that I'm pregnant, my body won't extend the energy I need. So with that out of the picture, I'm sitting in my living room, with my husband still sound asleep this morning, thinking. I have a few options of things to do. The right thing to do would be to clean clean clean. But I've been cleaning and organizing for weeks and I kind of want a break. So then I have a few more options. I could try to write some more of my book (which works better when Lito's not home). He might be going to the library later on today. I have a huge collage picture frame hanging on my wall....with no pictures in it. It's okay, it's only been 3 years. I could play Fallout 3, which is fun for a little while but then I find myself sucked into some strange virtual addiction world that steals my time. I could read some more of The Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. Eh. I need to catch up on writing in my pregnancy journal (but that feels like responsibility, and I'm really not in the mood...) I would love to not have the TV on at all today. That would be fantastic. In fact, if I could not have a TV at all, my quality of life would be better. Well, that's all of my ramblings for now I suppose. I hope I get rid of this awful feeling gnawing at my mind.